Collisionless and Decentralized Formation Control for Strings, Y.-P. Choi, D. Kalise and A. Peters, 2021 [arxiv].
Statistical Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for model reduction in feedback control, S. Dolgov, D. Kalise and L. Saluzzi, 2023 [arxiv].
Multi-level Optimal Control with Neural Surrogate Models, D. Kalise, E. Loayza-Romero, K. A. Morris and Z. Zhong, 2024 [arxiv].
Data/moment-driven approaches for fast predictive control of collective dynamics, G. Albi, S. Bicego, M. Herty, Y. Huang, D. Kalise and C. Segala, 2024 [arxiv].
Control of high-dimensional collective dynamics by deep neural feedback laws and kinetic modelling, G. Albi, S. Bicego and D. Kalise, 2024 [arxiv].
Co-edited volumes
Optimization and Control for Partial Differential Equations: Uncertainty quantification, open and closed-loop control, and shape optimization, M. Heinkenschloss, R. Herzog, D. Kalise, G. Stadler and E. Trélat (eds.) Vol. 29 De Gruyter - Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2022.
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations: Numerical Methods and Applications in Optimal Control, D. Kalise, K. Kunisch and Z. Rao (eds.), Vol. 21 De Gruyter - Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018.
Novel Directions in Optimization, Control and Games with Applications, M.S. Aronna, D. Kalise, and D. Tonon (eds.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer, 2017.
Peer-reviewed publications
Separable approximations of optimal value functions under a decaying sensitivity assumption, L. Gruene, D. Kalise, L. Saluzzi and M. Sperl, 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), [arxiv, journal].
Data-driven Tensor Train Gradient Cross Approximation for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations, S. Dolgov, D. Kalise and L. Saluzzi, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 45(5)(2023):A2153-A2184 [arxiv, journal].
Minimising emissions from flights through realistic wind fields with varying aircraft weights, D. Kalise, N.K. Nichols, D.I.A. Poll, C.A. Wells and P.D. Williams, Transportation Research Part D 117(2023): 103660 [journal (open access)]
Consensus based optimization via jump-diffusion stochastic differential equations, D. Kalise, A. Sharma and M.V. Tretyakov, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 33(2)(2023): 289--339 [arxiv, journal]
State-dependent Riccati equation feedback stabilization for nonlinear PDEs, A. Alla, D. Kalise and V. Simoncini, Advances in Computational Mathematics 49(2023): 9 [arxiv, journal (open access)]
Biologically inspired herding of animal groups by robots, A. J. King, S. J. Portugal, D. Strömbom, R. P. Mann, J. Carrillo, D. Kalise, G. de Croon, H. Barnett, P. Scerri, R. Gross, D. Chadwick, M. Papadopolou, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 00, 1– 9 (2023) [journal (open access)]
Optimizing semilinear representations for State-dependent Riccati Equation-based feedback control, S. Dolgov, D. Kalise and L. Saluzzi, IFAC-PapersOnline 55(30)(2022): 510-515 [arxiv, journal]
Data-driven initialization of deep learning solvers for Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs, A. Borovykh, D. Kalise, A. Laignelet and P. Parpas, IFAC-PapersOnline 55(30)(2022): 168-173. [arxiv, journal]
Supervised learning for kinetic consensus control, G. Albi, S. Bicego and D. Kalise, IFAC-PapersOnline 55(30)(2022): 103-108 [arxiv, journal]
The role of airspeed variability in fixed-time, fuel-optimal trajectory planning, D. Kalise, N.K. Nichols, D.I.A. Poll, C.A. Wells and P.D. Williams, Optimization and Engineering (2022), [journal (open access)].
Moment-driven predictive control for mean-field collective dynamics, G. Albi, M. Herty, D. Kalise and C. Segala, SIAM Journal on Optimization and Control 60(2)(2022): 814-841 [arxiv, journal]
Controlling swarms towards flocks and mills, J.A. Carrillo, D. Kalise, F. Rossi and E. Trélat., SIAM Journal on Optimization and Control 60(3)(2022):1863--1891 [arxiv, journal]
Optimal Actuator Design for the Euler-Bernoulli Vibration Model Based on LQR Performance and Shape Calculus, M. S. Edalatzadeh, D. Kalise, K. A. Morris and K. Sturm. IEEE Control Systems Letters 6(2022):1334--1339 [arxiv, journal]
Gradient-augmented Supervised Learning of Optimal Feedback Laws Using State-dependent Riccati Equations, G. Albi, S. Bicego and D. Kalise. IEEE Control Systems Letters 6(2022): 836 -841 [arxiv, journal]
Using mobility data in the design of optimal lockdown strategies for the COVID-19 pandemic, R. Dutta, S.N. Gomes, D. Kalise and L. Pacchiardi. PLoS Computational Biology 17(8): e1009236, 2021 [journal (open access)]
Tensor Decomposition Methods for High-dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations, S. Dolgov, D. Kalise and K. Kunisch. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 43(3)(2021): A1625--A1650 [arxiv, journal]
Optimal Feedback Law Recovery by Gradient-Augmented Sparse Polynomial Regression, B. Azmi, D. Kalise and K. Kunisch, Journal of Machine Learning Research 22(48)(2021):1--32 [journal (open access)].
Reducing transatlantic flight emissions by fuel-optimised routing, D. Kalise, N. Nichols, I. Poll, C.A. Wells and P.D. Williams, Environmental Research Letters 16:025002, 2021 [journal (open access)]
Sparse and switching infinite horizon optimal control with mixed-norm penalizations, D. Kalise, K. Kunisch and Z. Rao, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 26(61)(2020) [arxiv, journal]
Robust feedback control of nonlinear PDEs by polynomial approximation of Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equations, D. Kalise, K. Kunisch and S. Kundu, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 19(2)(2020):1496–1524, [arxiv, journal]
A collisionless singular Cucker-Smale model with decentralized forcing and applications to formation control for UAVs, Y.~P. Choi, D. Kalise, A. Peters and J. Peszek. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 18(4)(2019):1954-1981 [arxiv, journal]
On the implementation of a primal-dual algorithm for second order time-dependent mean field games with local couplings, L. Brice\~no-Arias, D. Kalise, Z. Kobeisi, M. Lauriere, A. Mateos-González and F.J. Silva, , ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys 65(2019):330-348 [arxiv, journal]
Optimal actuator design based on shape calculus, D. Kalise, K. Kunisch and K. Sturm. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 28(13)(2018): 2667-2717 [arxiv, journal]
Optimal consensus control of the Cucker-Smale model, J.A. Carrillo, M. Bongini, D. Kalise and R. Bailo.IFAC-PapersOnLine 51(3)(2018):1-6 [arxiv, journal]
Suboptimal stabilization of agent-based dynamics through nonlinear feedback control synthesis, M. Herty and D. Kalise, 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), 556--561, 2018 [preprint, journal]
Proximal methods for stationary Mean Field Games with local couplings, L. Briceño--Arias, D. Kalise, and F.J. Silva. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 56(2)(2018):801-836 [arxiv, journal]
Polynomial approximation of high-dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations and applications to feedback control of semilinear parabolic PDEs, D. Kalise and K. Kunisch. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40(2)(2018):A629--A652 [arxiv, journal]
(Sub)Optimal feedback control of mean-field multi-population dynamics: a Boltzmann-Bellman approach, G. Albi and D. Kalise IFAC-PapersOnLine 51(3)(2018):86-91, [arxiv, journal]
Mean field control hierarchy, G. Albi, Y.P. Choi, M. Fornasier and D. Kalise, Applied Mathematics & Optimization 76(1)(2017):93-135 [arxiv, journal]
Infinite horizon sparse optimal control, D. Kalise, K. Kunisch, and Z. Rao Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 172(2)(2017):481-517 [arxiv, journal]
A Boltzmann approach to mean-field sparse feedback control, G. Albi, M. Fornasier and D. Kalise, IFAC-PapersOnLine 50(1)(2017):2898-2903 [arxiv, journal]
Invisible control of self-organizing agents leaving unknown environments, G. Albi, M. Bongini, E. Cristiani, and D. Kalise, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 76(4)(2016):1683-1710 [arxiv, journal]
Local minimization algorithms for dynamic programming equations, D. Kalise, A. Kroener, and K. Kunisch. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38(3)(2016):A1587--A1615 [arxiv, journal]
Smoothened quasi-time-optimal control for the torsional torque in a two-mass system, E. Fuentes, D. Kalise, and R. Kennel, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63(6)(2016):3954--3963 [arxiv, journal]
HJB-POD feedback synthesis approach for the wave equation, A. Alla, D. Kalise and M. Falcone, Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society 47(1)(2016), 51 - 64, [pdf]
Reduced-order LQG control of a Timoshenko beam model, P. Braun, E. Hernández and D. Kalise ,Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society 47(1)(2016), 143 - 155, [pdf]
Value iteration convergence of ε-monotone schemes for stationary Hamilton-Jacobi equation, O. Bokanowski, M. Falcone, R. Ferretti, L. Gruene, D. Kalise and H. Zidani, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A 35(9)(2015), 4041 - 4070, [pdf]
(Un)conditional consensus emergence under perturbed and decentralized feedback controls, M. Bongini, M. Fornasier and D. Kalise, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A 35(9)(2015), 4071 - 4094, [pdf]
An efficient policy iteration algorithm for the solution of dynamic programming equations, A. Alla, M. Falcone and D. Kalise, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37(1)(2015), 181-200, [pdf]
An accelerated value/policy iteration scheme for optimal control problems and games, A. Alla, M. Falcone and D. Kalise, Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - ENUMATH 2013, LNCSE 103(2015), 489-497, [pdf]
Cascade-free predictive speed control for electrical drives, E. Fuentes, D. Kalise, R.M. Kennel and J. Rodríguez, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61(5)(2014), 2176 - 2184, [journal]
A high-order semi-Lagrangian/finite volume scheme for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Isaacs equations, M. Falcone and D. Kalise, System Modeling and Optimization, Springer, 105-117 (2014), [pdf,]
A semi-Lagrangian scheme for Lp-penalized minimum time problems, M. Falcone, D. Kalise and A. Kroener, Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 1798-1803 (2014), [pdf]
Reduced-order minimum time control of advection-reaction-diffusion systems via dynamic programming, D. Kalise and A. Kroener, Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 1196-1202 (2014), [pdf]
A WENO-TVD finite volume scheme for the approximation of atmospheric phenomena, D. Kalise, Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, AIMS Series on Applied Mathematics 8(2014), 717-724, [pdf]
An accelerated policy iteration algorithm for the solution of dynamic programming equations, A. Alla, M. Falcone and D. Kalise, PAMM 13(1)(2013), 467-468, [journal]
Modeling and numerical approximation of a 2.5D set of equations for mesoscale atmospheric processes, D. Kalise and I. Lie, Journal of Computational Physics 231(2012), 7274-7298, [pdf]
A locking-free scheme for the LQR control of a Timoshenko beam, E. Hernández, D. Kalise and E. Otárola, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 235(5)(2011), 1383-1393, [pdf]
Numerical approximation of the LQR problem in a strongly damped wave equation, E. Hernández, D. Kalise and E. Otárola, Computational Optimization and Applications 47(1)(2010), 161-178, [pdf]
General requirement for harvesting antennae at Ca2+ and H+ sinks, F. Barros, D. Kalise and C. Martínez, Frontiers in Neuroenergetics (2010), 2-27, [pdf]
Current Sheet Thickness in the Plasma Focus Snowplow Model, J. Fernández, E. Hernández, D. Kalise, V. Muñoz, D. Pasten and M. Zambra, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research Series 8(2009), 879-882, [pdf]
Other Publications
Supervised learning for optimal feedback laws, in Analysis of Data-driven Optimal Control, Oberwolfach Reports 18(2)(2021):1209--1257, [journal].
Featured Book Review, Crowds in equations: an introduction to the microscopic modeling of crowds, SIAM Rev. 62 (2020), no. 3, 729–731, [journal]
Multiscale optimal control of collective behavior phenomena, in Challenges in Optimal Control of Nonlinear PDE Systems, Oberwolfach Reports 15(2)(2018):941-1020 [journal]
A numerical study of a WENO-TVD finite volume scheme for the numerical simulation of atmospheric advective and convective phenomena, preprint[pdf]
D. Kalise, I. Lie, and E.F. Toro. High-order finite volume schemes for layered atmospheric models, preprint [pdf]